Friday, July 07, 2006

Good-byes and preparation...

I'll only post one time before I go, but I felt that a pre-Seoul update would be worth it.

I left Knoxville yesterday, July 6th, after a week with great friends and family. It was different though. Sure, I'm leaving for a year, but there seemed to more than just that on everyone's mind. We are all leaving (at least most of us) and although it was unspoken we all knew that we would never hang out in Tennessee like that again, let alone Knoxville. Yeah, we'll meet for homecoming or some other function, but the days of 'good clean fun', as we playfully called all excessive behavior, are over.

Not to fret though. I sincerly believe that we will all continue to remain close, despite the distance. Of course, time will tell and we all have a journey ahead of us, but we must remember the simple joys we all bring to each other...

See you in Korea.


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
The Expat said...

Mom, I didn't mean to delete your comment, I'm just trying to figure this thing out. Feel free to comment again.

Anonymous said...

My comment was that David and I got George off from the DFW airport at the crack of dawn. How hard was this for me? You will never know but....the early hour and my sleepy haze afforded me a bit of a stiff upper lip. Mind you cry, I did, just not blubbering.

I had to remind myself of all the people that send their loved ones knowingly off into harm's way. Certainly I can do this!