I want to talk about a previous post about our generations apathy. Sid, a loyal reader and one of the greatest guys ever, commented on it. He said,
"I definitely agree to an extent, but in the end, it is the decision of the people we put in office. There is no doubt that the majority of Americans want this war to end, but we are being ignored. It really frustrates me when democrats are too afraid to stand up to the president and cut off funding. I realize this isn't the ideal way to go, but when our president leaves no other options; someone has to take a stand. So far, the democrats are too afraid they will lose votes if they go that route. I guess the only thing we can do is hope that Americans want to end this war enough to vote for a democratic president."
I agree. It is the decision of the people WE put in office. Once there, it is basically out of our control. That's horrible to stomach, but really is the nature of our politics.
I would like to add a couple things though. Would we put these guys into office if we had not become so disenchanted with the whole process? If we had the fire and tenacity that this country used to have, would we just roll over our morals and re-elect such a man? I understand that this is a Republic and there is not much we can do when our elected officials sell us out (and boy, did Bush ever do that to his base), but our drive and focus should be on the front end.
The Dem's will do this country and the world a lot of good. I'm confident of that, but the root of our problems lie within us. We need to act like we care. We need to inconvenience ourselves to change the state of the union. And so, it's Christmas and we're having this "blog" discussion (or at least I am), but really, what have we done? Have we done all we could? Have I done all I could? We all know the answer.
The next year is crucial and potenially pivotal for America, Americans and the world. Next Christmas I would like to know that we all did all that we could to get get back on the right track.
John Lennon says it the best:
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