Thursday, March 13, 2008

So, who's in?

Regardless of what we might be dealing with with our precious 희망, 고운 turned me on a song that is so beautiful. So to those who speak fluent French, Uncle John and Kristin and the rest of our family and friends (Funnie and Rodger), 고 and I are inviting you to join us on a trip to Vietnam within the next couple of years. Watch this and we'll talk about it later...

Hey, we're serious.


고 and I had a few drinks last night and did not realize that it reads like we will also pay for this trip. Dream on!


Anonymous said...

Pretty voice and song...I wonder how you guys come across some of this music. Anyway, if you're not paying, we're out! Kidding, but we do have some other coutries we'd rather go before Vietnam....that is, unless it's your treat! ;)

Rmeis said...

What! your not paying??

Anonymous said...

Charge it to George! Seriously, this is an amazing idea. I have always wanted to see Vietnam. Loved the music and the French!