This is beautiful. They keep proding, but he just stands strong. I think I have a man-crush.
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7 months ago
After minute 3, I just hear blah blah blah.
Instead of refuting why McCain's service may or may not be a qualifier for presidency, why doesn't he explain (to those of us wondering) why Obama DOES HAVE the courage and committment to serve as president. How do we judge youngling Obama's courage and committment to this country?
To anonymous:
Does having served in Viet Nam and being a courageous POW assure you have the proper judgment to lead this country? I heard Wes Clark say this not blah blah blah. It is about having the steady judgment to make the correct decisions the first time around.
Perhaps you should listen again.
BUT he does not go on to explain WHY Obama DOES have the so-called "character" or good "judgement" or the ability to "protect America". He says, "On the one hand..." and explains McCain, but he does not go on to explain who remains on the "other hand". I just want to know WHY Obama has some edge in this whole protecting America thing, especially with his lack of military experience (or extensive Senate experience at that). That's why I heard blah blah blah.
Debate 101: Refute your opponents position, and then PROVE your own. I was waiting for Clark to present proof.
"I just want to know WHY Obama has some edge in this whole protecting America thing, especially with his lack of military experience".
As much fun as it is to hear your explanation of how to debate, I think it is much more important to understand WHAT THE DEBATE IS ABOUT! HE was not trying to prove that Obama has an edge in this segment. He was saying that McCain does not have the experience that allows him parade around claiming that he was superior knowledge of everything related to foreign policy and the military.
"I was waiting for Clark to present proof."
And what "proof" do you have that would make McCain a great leader? Citing his experience is not proof.
Saying "hope" does not get things done. Saying "change" does not make it so. Where's the substance to all that style? That's a bunch of "no proof" on Obama's part.
For a lot of people the experience IS enough proof.
Yet again, this is not the debate, but to humor you; McCain will get things done. It's just that what he'll get done will be awful for America.
"Where's the substance to all that style?"
And what about McCain's faux self-given nickname "Straight Talker"? Talk about offering no substance.
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